Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Rush Limbaugh

Would you like to be sexually harrassed by this guy? He thinks you would. In fact, he thinks you'd like to be harrassed by any man who takes it into his head to harrass you. Here are some examples of the scintillating cultural analysis, oh no, sorry, I meant to say stinking verbal vomit from his show.

"Some of these babes, I'm telling you, like the sexual harassment crowd. They're out there protesting what they actually wish would happen to them sometimes."

"Oh, gosh, that hurts, my friends. It reminds me of my first wife. Ah! Gee! It is just painful to hear this, and then she [Hillary Clinton] starts yelling everywhere -- Dawn, you can smile. She's in there shaking her head. She's -- she's here in a den of sexists, folks, and she puts up such a game front. Chauvinists, I should say. We're not sexists, we're chauvinists -- we're male chauvinist pigs, and we're happy to be because we think that's what men were destined to be. We think that's what women want."

"I’m not talking -- I know how many of you want to be sexually harassed -- that’s not what I’m asking. But if somebody wants to hire you to look good for whoever is the first to walk in the door every day, why not, if that’s your asset?"

"Now, I have a real-world question for those of you women in the audience. Just something I’d like to know. How many of you in the secrecy and privacy of your own dreams and hopes would love to be hired as eye candy?"

Are you feeling harrassed yet? Are you enjoying it? No?

Imagine being hired as eye candy for Rush .... that thought's better than a cold shower any day.

Obviously Rush is a seriously professional jerk and prides himself on it, but it's not a little scary that an idiot like this can get famous just by spouting shit. Can you imagine what would happen if a female DJ started saying similar stuff about men? I wonder how long she'd be on the air.

As the women at Feministing.com put it "Ah, you gotta love Rush. Well, in that “I want to stab you in the eye” kind of way."

Via Feministing.com.

p.s can't you just imagine our internet troll friends building little shrines to Rush in their houses?


Blogger deviousdiva said...

I have no clue who this monstrosity is.( Disgusting, sick, hateful fool. I am constantly shocked that cretins like this have their own shows.

11:57 PM  
Blogger Winter said...

I'm glad you don't know who he is! Hopefully he's not as famous as I imagined from the Feministing post.

3:08 AM  
Blogger Winter said...

No that's quite enough from Rush.

4:02 AM  
Blogger Winter said...

It's always good to know you have options!

1:54 PM  
Blogger deviousdiva said...

andrea, very funny comment! And I think men do become less attractive as I get older. They let themselves go in ways women would never dream ofand still think they're the best thing since sliced bread!

9:40 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi i'm an 18 year old male and i don't know who this guy is and i've never heard of rush before and from what i've just read i really, really don't want to know, please tell me that what that guy said was a just really nasty, terrible joke as women deserve to be treated alot better then what he said.I HATE GUYS WHO ACT LIKE THIS GUY so i can't even begin to imagine how women must feel when confronted by this kind of behaviour as you are not treated like equals or with respect or dignity or kindness or compession everyday and i don't understand why you are allowed to be treated this way as if this was directed towards males it would be stopped imidiatly and i'm so truly sorry that women are treated this way.Thanks for reading my comment and if i offended any of you in anyway i appolgise-Aaron

8:35 AM  

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